Self-Harm and Suicide
Self-harm is the act of physically hurting yourself on purpose without intending to die by suicide. It is a method of coping during a period of overwhelming emotional pain that sometimes helps people to feel better temporarily. This is because it acts as a physical way to release the pressure and tension held inside. However in the long term, this compulsive pattern is characterised by increasingly desperate and dangerous behaviour.
The word Suicide can evoke great terror in people and it can be very frightening when we discover someone close to us has thought about taking their own life. We cannot always tell when a friend or loved one is suicidal but there are some common signs that can indicate they may be at risk. Feeling suicidal indicates an individual is in a place where they cannot bear the pain they experience due to a situation or range of circumstances. At Mosaic we can provide support to those who are feeling they have lost hope. Our goal is to help you to heal and to feel more hopeful about your future, enabling you to face and respond to the problems that you may be encountering. We also provide support to family members and friends of those who have been affected by suicide.
Below are a list of signs and risks to be mindful of if you have any concerns about a loved one. Alternatively if you have any concerns please feel free to contact us for an appointment. We are here to provide support.
Displaying symptoms of clinical depression is a major risk factor for suicide.
Talking about death or wanting to die e.g.: “you are all better off without me”
Seeking out a way to take ones own life
Loss of interest in activities
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose
Talking about feeling trapped
Acting anxious, agitated or displaying risk taking behaviour
Withdrawing or feeling isolated
Sudden change in mood or behaviour
Making final arrangements, giving away personal belongings, posting goodbye messages on social media.
Increased alcohol or drug usage
Other risk factors
One or more previous suicide attempts
Family history of mental disorder or substance abuse
Family history of suicide
Physical or sexual abuse
Chronic illness
Exposure to the suicidal behaviour of others